Tourism – a Sector That Facilitated the Economic Growth

kerala tourism

Tourism is one of the fastest growing business industries in Kerala, which not only provides job opportunity to a number of people but also contributes greatly to the economic development of the country and the state. Promoting this change in the economic condition of the state the Kerala government with the tourism department of the state is now aiming at a number of new projects to promote domestic tourism. Domestic tourism is one of the mainstreams of tourism in Kerala from where the state receives a maximum of income.According to the latest survey of tourism, the rate at which travellers from dry cities visiting Kerala has reduced rapidly over the last few years from 85% to 49%.


Surat was one of the states in India from where a large number of travellers visited Kerala every year. But according to the last survey, the graph has reduced greatly from 75% to 45%. One of the main reasons for this sudden change in pattern is the increased travel cost. To tackle this problem the Kerala tourism department with the help of travel partners like Holiday Mango Travel have organised a number of Budget Kerala tour packages which is particularly designed for travellers from states which mainly includes Jaipur, Surat and some of such dry states to the northern part of India.

Snake boat race

The government of Kerala to increase the flow of domestic tourists into the land has introduced different entertainment activities and a number of facilitated tour packages from a number of domestic destinations which mainly includes dry states to the north like Jaipur, Surat and Delhi, business cities like Mumbai and Bangalore and a number of other destinations. One of the main reasons for the government of Kerala to promote the tourism in the land is because the sector provides job opportunity to a number of uneducated locals and craftsmen which help in the betterment of the economic development of the state and thereby in the development of the country.


Compared to the other business sectors in Kerala, tourism is the only sector which includes a number of different divisions like the hospitality sector, travel and tourism sector, and a number of other sectors that facilitates in the growth and development of tourism in the land. Most of the states in the northern part of India are either very dry or very cold with snow falls. Travellers from such destination travel to the southernmost tip of the country so as to enjoy the greenery and rich vegetation of the state. Taking advantage of this basic reason the tour packages which are organised and prepared for such domestic travellers from states including Jaipur, Surat, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and much more would mainly include tourist destinations with natural beauty, wilderness and rich vegetation.

Kerala being a land rich in natural beauty could be one of the best destinations that could be explored and enjoyed by the tourist from around the world.

With the Kerala government and the tourism department now holding hands with a number of travel operators, the state is all set to experience the rise of a new trend in the tourism sector which would help further in the development of the economy of the state.

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